Join Mayra her friends, and guest bloggers as they talk about life, purpose
encouragement, food, love and of course fashion!
Wondering what happen to last year's New Year's Resolution? A tradition that has been passed on for years, but in Mayra's opinion, is in need of a revamp.
In this blog Mayra expresses her experiences on how God has guided her through developing true friendships. If you ever wondered how to become a true friend ...then you want to read this!
Women's events, retreats, workshops, conferences, classes etc. Any combination can be provided. Mayra is a dynamic speaker who can passionately inspire and motivate women of all ages. She can develop customized topics to meet the specific needs of any organization or group.
If you would like to host a fashion show regardless of the size, or want Mayra to speak at your next meeting, conference, event, etc. let her know by sending her an email or completing the form below, she would love to hear from you. Please know that all invitations are prayerfully considered.
"I've been able to witness Mayra in action up-close and personal with her workshops, assisting with many of them. Seeing the difference in these girls' faces from when they walk into the workshop to when they're walking the make-shift runway by the end of the workshop is amazing...
God inspired her to start Model4Jesus through her experiences as a professional model and host of Salsa Mania, a secular Latin music video program. This former Army Sgt. is a wife, mother of four, and working model in Tampa, Florida.